New York Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Bicycles have become a popular mode of transportation in New York City, providing an eco-friendly and efficient way to navigate bustling streets. As advocates for safe cycling, we at Joudeh & Kuller recognize the many benefits that bicycles offer, both for the environment and our personal well-being. However, it’s important to acknowledge that cycling does come with inherent risks. If you’ve been involved in a bicycle accident, we are here to support you. Our experienced team is dedicated to protecting your rights and seeking the compensation you deserve.

The Reality of Bicycle Accidents in New York City

As cycling continues to grow in popularity, it’s crucial to address the issue of bicycle accidents. Statistics reveal that bicycle accidents in New York City have seen an alarming increase in recent years.

Recent data from the NYPD reveals alarming figures for bicycle accidents in New York City during the first quarter of 2023. The report indicates that a record-breaking number of 809 cyclists were injured in crashes, representing a significant increase compared to the previous year’s count of 649 for the same period.

Tragically, the number of bicycle accident fatalities also reached a record high during the first quarter of 2023. Nine cyclists lost their lives in these devastating crashes. Among the victims, seven were riding electric bikes, while the remaining two were on regular bicycles. These distressing statistics highlight the urgent need for improved safety measures and heightened awareness to protect the lives of cyclists on New York City streets.

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents in New York

Understanding the causes of bicycle accidents is essential for preventing future incidents. Some common causes include:


  • Distracted driving: Motorists fail to pay attention to cyclists on the road.
  • Doorings: Opening car doors without checking for approaching bicycles.
  • Failure to yield: Drivers not yielding the right of way to cyclists at intersections.
  • Unsafe road conditions: Poorly maintained roads or hazardous obstacles.
  • Aggressive or reckless driving: Drivers behaving aggressively towards cyclists.
  • Right-hook or left-turn collisions: Vehicles making sudden turns without giving cyclists enough space.

Common Bicycle Accident Injuries

Bicycle accidents can result in a range of injuries, varying in severity. Some of the most common injuries sustained in bicycle accidents include:

  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Head and traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Road rash and severe abrasions
  • Internal organ damage
  • Dislocations and joint injuries
  • Facial and dental injuries
  • Psychological trauma

Laws Regulating Bicyclists in New York

Bicyclists in New York City are subject to specific laws and regulations to ensure safety on the road. Some key regulations include:

  • Riding in designated bike lanes when available
  • Obeying traffic signals and signs
  • Yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks
  • Using lights and reflectors at night
  • Riding in the same direction as the traffic flow
  • Wearing a properly fitted helmet if under the age of 14

Time Limits for Seeking Compensation After a Bike Accident

If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident, it’s important to act promptly. In New York, there are specific time limits, known as statutes of limitations, within which you must file a personal injury claim. Under the NYC statute of limitations, you have a three-year window to initiate a personal injury lawsuit. However, time is of the essence after an accident, and it’s crucial to act promptly.

When filing a claim against the NYC transportation authorities, you only have a limited 90-day period to submit a formal notice to the city. Some no-fault insurance claims have even stricter deadlines, allowing as little as 30 days to file for medical bill coverage.

Additionally, street conditions in New York can change rapidly, potentially erasing vital evidence about the accident’s cause if not addressed promptly. Seeking the guidance of a bicycle accident lawyer in NYC is essential, even if you are still in the recovery process. Reach out to us today, and we will immediately begin investigating your case, ensuring that your rights are protected and justice is pursued.

Understanding the New York City Comparative Fault Law

New York operates under a comparative fault system, which may affect your case. If it is determined that you shared some responsibility for the accident, it can impact the compensation you receive. However, even if you are partially at fault, you may still be entitled to compensation for the portion of damages attributed to the other party’s negligence. Seeking legal guidance is essential in navigating the complexities of comparative fault and maximizing your potential compensation.

Why You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer After a New York Bike Accident

After a bicycle accident, having the support of an experienced New York City personal injury attorney becomes crucial as they can handle the intricate details and safeguard your legal rights. Most accident victims are unfamiliar with the complexities of the insurance claim process, making it essential to have a knowledgeable lawyer by your side. The insurance company often aims to minimize their payout and may employ tactics to undervalue your claim. Having a bicycle accident attorney representing your interests can help ensure that you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Moreover, in cases where others may attempt to shift blame onto you, your attorney can skillfully navigate the NYC contributory negligence rules to protect your compensation award. Holding multiple parties accountable for the accident may also be a possibility, and a competent bicycle accident lawyer in New York can explore all potential avenues for recovery.

Negotiating with insurance companies can be stressful and time-consuming, diverting your focus from your recovery and well-being. By entrusting your case to a dedicated personal injury lawyer, you can rest assured that your legal matters are being handled professionally while you concentrate on healing and moving forward. Swiftly seeking legal assistance ensures that crucial evidence is preserved, and your attorney can promptly start investigating the circumstances surrounding your accident. 

Contact Joudeh & Kuller Today

At Joudeh & Kuller, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that bicycle accidents can take on individuals and their families. Our compassionate team is here to provide the support and advocacy you need during this challenging time. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. Let us fight for your rights and help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.

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